Archive for November, 2008


Character Transfers are Live

November 24, 2008

As we explained previously, we have been testing a character transfer system to allow characters to be moved from low population servers to ones with a medium population level. We are delighted to announce that this service is now live.

At this time players on English servers have the following options – note that this list has changed a little since it was first announced in order to give players on RP servers more options.

Core Roleplay Servers:
Players on Makaisson can transfer to Burlok or to Alarielle (Open RvR RP server)

Open RvR Roleplay Servers:
Players on Ellyrion can transfer to Alarielle or to Burlok (Core RP server)

Core Servers:
Players on the following servers can choose to transfer to either Karak Izor or Karak Norn:
Karak Ungor
Tor Anroc
Worlds Edge Mountains

Open RvR Servers:
Players on the following servers can choose to transfer to Dragonback Mountains:
Clar Karond
Mount Silverspear
Sea of Dreams
Finuval Plain

Before you start

Read this entire guide
Make sure you have no outstanding auctions on the Auction House (they will not be transferred)
Make sure you do not have items in your mail (mail in your mailbox will not be transferred)
Log out of the game
Clear your browser cache
Make sure you have moved or deleted characters from the opposing faction on a server that you want to move to

How does this work?
If you wish to take advantage of this service then you will need to log into your profile on the website. You will see an option for character transfer in your account management page. Click on this and you will get a list of all eligible characters and their server. Click the correct character and your choice of destination server and your character will be moved immediately. Your character will be in his or her new home within a few minutes. If you are already logged into the game with that character then you will need to log out for the change to take effect. If your character’s name is already taken on the new server, you will be prompted to enter a new name during the transfer process. When your character has successfully arrived on its destination server you will receive an email to confirm the transfer.

If you wish to transfer your guild as well then the process is a little more involved. The guild leader is the person who is responsible for making the move. Before you start, you should ensure that your guild vault is empty and that any cash in the guild bank has been withdrawn. The character who is the guild leader should use the command /transferguild ingame before making his own character transfer via the website. You will get a popup to confirm the command. Once you have confirmed the command, your guild will be disbanded, all members will be booted and the guild will cease to exist on your original server.

Once the guild leader has arrived on the destination server then he must start a new guild in the normal way with a full group of players (note: the original guild leader must be the leader of this group). When the new guild is formed it will have the same rank and Renown as the original guild on the old server and all the unlocks that have been earned to that point. You will also be able to choose your heraldry and your guildname again.

Please make sure that before you transfer either a character or a guild that you are positive you mean to do this, mistakes cannot be undone by our CS department after the fact so talk to your friends and your guildmates, check that you are all moving and doublecheck to which server for those that have a choice.

Known issues
Due to the large number of requests on the Character Transfer service the transfer can be delayed by up to one hour. Please do not request for your character to be transferred more than once. This will not speed up the process. Once you have gotten the confirmation window your character is queued for transfer and the system will transfer your character as soon as possible.
Characters with special characters on the first letter of their name cannot be transferred. We will correct this as soon as possible.
When you transfer a character and have to rename it, you cannot create a new name with special characters in it. People renaming their character and wanting a special character will have to contact the CS after their transfer to ask for the renaming with the special characters. However, we’ll continue to work on fixing this issue so that the situation doesn’t last.
Please note that the Character Transfer History section has not been launched yet but will be live soon.

So I am currently awaiting transfer to Karag Norm… Get a move on GOA!


Server moves WEM info.

November 11, 2008

Well the WEM community seems to have unanimously decided for a move to Karag Norm when it launches, the WEM forums over at Warhammer Alliance have a few polls up, but the majority of the big guilds are moving to Norm.

Looks like I will keep grinding at the moment and await more information from GOA.


Patch 1.04b

November 11, 2008

A highlight of the patch 1.04b, full notes can be found atthe US Herald site

* When conquered, Keeps will always provide three gold loot bags and Fortresses will now offer six guaranteed gold loot bags as part of the chest loot.

* Rally Masters have been added to all warcamps. Now, players can set their rally point in a warcamp in the same manner as binding in a chapter hub.

* To promote population balance among the various scenarios, we have added a feature that reduces the number of times a specific scenario can launch in a short period of time. This will give scenarios which are launched less frequently an opportunity to catch up in the queue population and launch more often.

So more lewts from keep raids, should mean more keeps being taken! Rally masters at warcamps, thankfully! Hate legging it back to the warcamp especially in Empire since you only get 1 warcamp per tier… damn empire maps!

And more scenarios, hate endless amounts of Tor Amoc, so should be fun!

Now launch it on the damn EU servers already!


Server transfers

November 10, 2008

Well a few mins ago i post saying about lack of folk in scenarios and RvR on Worlds Edge, then suddenly, as if by magic I find this on the war-europe site.

Over the next few weeks we will be enabling server transfers to help balance the population. Players on some servers will have the option to move to a different server. To begin with we will be offering transfers from either low population or very busy servers to medium population ones. We are currently testing the systems that will make this possible and expect to be able to give you a firm date for the start of this process within the next few days.

In the meantime we are able to give you a list of the servers that will be open for transfer as well as the destination servers. They are as follows:

Core Roleplay Servers
Players on Makaisson will have the choice to move to Burlock

Open RvR Roleplay Servers
Players on Ellyrion will have the choice to move to Alarielle

Players on the following Core servers will have the opportunity to transfer to either the Karak Izor or the Karak Norn server:
Karak Ungor
Tor Anroc
Worlds Edge Mountains

Players on the following Open RvR servers will have the opportunity to move to the Dragonback Mountains server:
Clar Karond
Mount Silverspear
Sea of Dreams
Finuval Plain

Please note that this will be a character transfer and not a clone, if your character moves then this will not be reversible. You should be sure to talk with your guild and your other friends on the server to ensure that it is the right choice for you before you make a decision. Also please note that the restriction on realm choice will remain and so you will not be able to move to a server where you already have a character of the opposite realm, you will need to delete all such characters on the destination server before you move.

To assist you in your new home, all destination servers will benefit from a blanket 20% xp bonus to both realms.

As our tests conclude, we will be able to give you further information on this process so please be sure to check the news regularly for updates.

Seems its time to think hard about a move…


Hmm “What is an update?”

November 10, 2008

An update is what I seem incapable of doing. . . ah well 😀

So what has been happening in the wonderful world of Kutu?  Not a great deal, real life commitments have distracted me from my ambition to level my Warrior Priest…  Things such as,

  • Graduating university, finally I have my degree! Yar!
  • Introducing the girlfriend to the parents, scary!
  • Work, that damn thing, though it does pay the bills, still its a pain in the ass being up at 6.30am to start at 7.30 blah!
  • Looking for a “real job“, one where I get paid a damn sight more than I do now, and get to move away from home!
  • Cinema’s, I seem to spend a damn load of time watching films, New Bond is a bit gaff…  Burn After Reading is pretty good once I figured out what was happening…  and a bundle of gaff in between,

Anyway, so what has been happening in game?

My warrior priest is now 26, finally! It is getting closer and closer to 40 slowly and slowly.  Unfortunately i am finding it a drag and a grind fest. The PQ rewards are still decent, and my aim is to get both dwarf and empire rewards for each chapter( I ingore Elf, I hate the Elf area’s with a passion, however if a nice shiny is to be found then I will go!).  Alas T3 seems to be quiet, I always find myself grinding the inf on stage 1 and 2 PQ’s having to ingnore the 3rd stage and possible lewts 😦

My RR is 17, wow im lagging behind. A few days of keep sieges will get that up nicely, as with T3 PQ’s T3 Scenarios are popping less and less now…hopefully this will improve again soon as I quite fancy getting up to RR24 soon for the RvR gear set. If not I wont be too annoyed, but this is my aim along with hitting 30 and moving up to T4 soon enough.

My WP has gone through several respecs of late, now I am aiming for a dps spec while soloing, in 3 levels I will have enough Mastery points to spec salvation and gain Pious Restoration, as well as Greave of Sigmar, untill then hitting things harder with my hammer wins for me.  Currently I am specced Wounds, STR and Willpower with most focus on wounds. I have found in RvR that although I can do dps, I cant hit much without getting ganked. As such my WP now has 4600+ hp, not too shabby when I consider my 23 Chosen has a couple of hundred less.  Does it help much? not sure, maybe let me get another hit in before I die 🙂

Currently sat waiting on a GM to whine too… The empire chapter 13 helmet reward shows up on my character as gloves 😦 Full of fail…

Kutu with doomcaller helmet

Kutu with doomcaller helmet

Pics of that when the net reconnects.

Kutu with Swampstompers helmet that shows as gloves grrr!

Kutu with Swampstompers helmet that shows as gloves grrr!

Got a shiny purple belt from a Keep raid, the stats are shite, utter shite, but its purple and shiny so i insist on wearing it!

Now I eat dinners 🙂 Mhmm pizza!  more post later on!