Archive for the ‘Warrior Priest’ Category


Kutu’s WCPI effort

February 23, 2009

Well I have already been beaten in throwing up the first post for the WCPI.

This week I have scoured my RSS feeds and found you three of my favourite posts from some excellent blogs.

Tome of Knowledge has a great post comparing the Slayer and Choppa skills and stats side by side.  I know Bugman’s Best beat me to this exact same link, but it really is worth mentioning again.

Portraits of WAR has some awesome wallpapers, I especially like the one I linked, but not only the awesomeness of the images, but the fact there is a lot of thought into the background of why they are created. Keep it up!

Battle Standard posted up about Chosen AoE tanking capabilities and how to do it at different levels. Interesting read through, Chosen was the first class I rolled and loved it up until R24ish, when my whole guild hopped on over to order.

Thats all for today folks.



February 20, 2009

Patience is a virtue, so the chinese proverb goes. Alas patience is a virtue that I am running low on . . . I WANT MA SLAYER!!!

The US public test realms got the slayer/choppa launch last night, and I have been spamming F5 on the war eu site looking for our update to no avail, hoping it would be this morning but still nothing. Come on GOA!

So now it is morning and I stumble over to browse WHA and find their new War Community Promotion Initiative or WCPI for short. They are promoting forum members who post on their own blogs/forums/fansites in  turn promoting another WHA members blog/forum/fansite. A great way to get the community ball rolling. And very easy when you are blogging to do.

Other news today, Ariwyn over at WHA is looking for folk to write about the slayer/choppa experience on the PTS with the chance to get your posts spotlighted for the weekly spotlight they run.

Last sunday Syp posted his seven favourite in WAR, now unfortunately I was too lazy to post mine. But figured I should actually get around to it, even more encouraged by his guilt trip of not linking folk now (Just kidding chief!).

Favourite Zone – Black Crag, I love the fact its a complete maze, you can get lost so easily in the rvr and pve areas of this map.  In fact all the dwarf maps are really well done.

Favourite Race – Looks wise I have to say Dwarf, look much better, just dont like the classes much.

Favourite Career – I have to say Warrior Priest, it is all I play. I have tried out others but found their mechanic  doesnt fit my play style very well.

Favourite WAR Feature – The public quests were a great thing to start with, now few folk do them unless grinding crafting materials from chapter 22. Walking up and just joining in a quest was a great idea!

Favourite Skill – Rampaging Siphon by far, rank 2 morale for WP, hits for 600 on every enemy in range and heals entire party for 600 per person hit. Great last minute skill when your wiping to a warband of destruction.

Favourite Scenario – I see a lot of Riekland Factory here, but I never got the chance to play it, would never pop on my server at the time and so I have to say that my favourite is Mourkain Temple. Such a simpler time that was than T4.

Favourite Live Event – Night of Murder, its the only one I have actually completed. The rest I was never too fussed about.

So now I have made Syps soul feel a little bit more guilty (still kidding) what have I been up to? Well last night I ran another crypt group and managed to finally get my hands!  Now I am 5/5 Sentinel wards, and have my conquerer fists too since they have better stats than the sentinel ones in my opinion. +21 bonus healing? Yeah 2.1 to every healwoooo! More willpower please!

Don’t has created a look into how RR points is distributed in a few different combat situations over at Blame the Healer, Definately worth a read, especially if your trying to figure why you got x y or z.

Ventris at Alt Much? has posted a fun story about his fat assed sorceress. Love the role play element you managed to add and get everyone working with it when you werent even trying. Keep up the good work.

Other than that I am patiently awaiting my Slayer . . . oh gah gimme the Slayer already . . . I feel like I should be a drug addict or something with this not so patient wait.


Patch 1.2 my thoughts and views.

February 18, 2009

So far I have held off on posting about the 55 pages of patch notes instead waiting till today, too see what it actually means. Today GOA announced the EU PTS is open, and so off i trotted to Shifting Isles to check some things out.

If you dont want a few spoilers then dont read on… Read the rest of this entry ?


A weekly roundup.

February 11, 2009

I am not in the habbit of making weekly roundups per se but it has been a busy week for me doing sod all.


Done some general UI tidying up,  too many unused addons before. Moved Squared down a bit, added Phantom and State of the Realm. Going to work on my unit bars, I need more space for skills! I am still addicted to FraithUI by Fraith of WHA as my base though, just cant find anything as sleek to replace it with.

RvR is getting a major facelift this includes the following tidbits of information.

Keeps and forts are being redesigned to have 2-3 ramps. This should make things a lot more interesting for keep/fort defense, as well as weaken the popular tank wall strategy. Also, Conqueror Armor pieces will drop off guards and not just the lord in a fort.

I like the sound of this, the tank wall strategy, while working, is very boring. I like the idea of being stretched on multiple sides. Plus, on Karag-Norn, we have never flipped a fort before, order or destruction, it would be quite nice to see it happen and some loot drop (For order of course, not those smelly greenskins and co over at CIR 😛 ) Any opertunity to experience more end game, yes please!

Mythic will be expanding the ORvR influence bar. There will be more rewards as a result but it will take much longer to max out them out as well.

Yay finally a reason to keep RvRing! I must admit, i am only near getting the Elite reward from the elf campaign, and not even half way in the other two, but still. Once you cap the bar theres no more shiny things to use/salvage/npc.

Stunty Stomper has some nice HQ Wallpapers available now, very pretty and shiny. All go look! And download!

Again more WHA love from me from the ComicCon roundup. Someone asked Mythic the following.

Q: In your personal opinion, what's the most powerful class, most balanced class, and the weakest class?

A: I would say the most powerful- Warrior Priest which is better than the Disciple of Khaine.
The most balanced- we like the marauder how it is now.
The weakest- the Shadow warrior needs love.

I must admit I was slightly shocked by the answer. Mauraders seem failry well balanced, but on the other hand not so with their fetch/knockbacks. Maybe I am just jealous at my lack of CC as a Warrior priest. Shadow Warriors being the weakest? Er again unsure. Yeah they are weak, but they are devastaing too. Maybe they need toughned slightly but not much in my opinion, ever try soloing as an Archmage? I found that significantly weaker, again though perhaps that is just my playstyle.

Now the big shocker, Warrior Priest is the most overpowered? In what way? We do mediocre dps when specced for it, we do fine in group healing situations but are not great single target healers, how do they find us overpowered? We have survivability but thats just by healing through damage, which doesnt work 99% of the time in my view.

WHA and IGN have been speaking about the soon to be Official Forums over at Massively and how they both will try to focus for the times ahead.

Wizards and Wenches has posted about the upcoming Choppa and Slayer mechanics “Berserked” along with the Choppa’s matery path and skills. Nice insight into what we can expect, though Im still rolling order! I need my salvaging alt 🙂 Aparantly he is getting cake for converting, tempting I guess but what cake?

What about Kutu? Well I am still RR40, 22k to go before those Conquerer gloves get used. I now have my Sentinel Helm all I am missing is the gloves. Soon to start looking into finding a regular Lost Vale group, alas I currently cannot commit the time with real life comitments, but I hope that in the next few weeks to be able to free up a few hours a couple of times a week for it.

Plans for the future other than above is to roll my Slayer! I have fortunately been told I have to take holidays at the start of March. What a shame, it happens to be Slayer release week so WooHoo headstart!


Lots to Say!

February 8, 2009

So little time to say it all!

Yesterday saw my first weekend off work since Christmas and also tied in nicely with the live event “Night of Murder”. Also on logging in I found large scale RvR in Eataine, so I headed on down. Before I knew it I had reciecved the elite reward for the event, a jewellery item. Unfortnately I took the +5% gold instead of reknown! Darn! Wondering if CSRs can change it for me!

I honestly expected more from this event though, I feel that even though I was RvRing a while yesterday, it shouldnt have been so easy to complete. Now there is no real draw for me to RvR other than my Conq gloves which I have in my bags.  Made RR40 last night, so go go go!

Crypts and Tunnels I am still running, managed to get my Sentinel Cassok yesterday, so 3/5 Greater wards, 4th from gloves at RR41 and just a Sentinel Helmet that I need 🙂 Pretty pleased as now I can be considered at least for the Vale, not going to be able to go since the guild lacks enough folk geared but its nice to know I am nearly there.

The Comic Con event is going on in NYC just now, and Ten Ton Hammer and WHA were there representing the WAR communities.  Things I look forward to from this is Slayer and Choppa details! Gimme more info! NOW!  And mount changes, we get faster mounts at Guild Rank 37-38ish, and different coloured mounts at 20’s. Will give more variety to the game, everyone running around on the same colour mount gets boring pretty fast.

Actually theres not really much to say. A more rounded updated coming tonight/tomorrow. Sorry for the lack of updates!



February 3, 2009


Dont try to salvage Sentinel gear at less than skill 200, you will fail…  As i had posted yesterday stating I had hit Salvaging 200, and I found a spare Sentinel Belt in my bank I figured what the heck, Salvage for some nice fragment time…

Unfortunately what I didnt realise is my Salvaging was not 200, and infact was only 199. Resulting in a) An error in my post yesterday and B) A crit failure.

After cursing myself a few times for wasting the belt, I figured time to sort it out. Now I am 200 salvaging and found another random Sentinel Belt, which dechanted succcessfully into a blue fragment. As of now I have yet to fail any 200 salvages, and on talking to several players aparantly they have never failed any either.

So I appologise for threatening to kill kittens yesterday 🙂

Now that I am 200, I have even more reason to be found in the RvR areas, Keeps! The gold bag annihalator drops I believe also turn into blue/purple fragments, so a good chance to nab me a +19 talisman out of them!

Finally I hit RR38 last night right before entering a Crypt run and was able to pick up Tome of the Repose the Empire Basic T4 reward. The +12 RF gain from this is supreme. I find myself struggling to run out of RF unless I am spam curing a whole warband. In the crypts, I never had to touch Supplication once to boost me up. Unfortunately it turned into yet another naff Crypt run with no Warrior Priest gear dropping. I get no luck from here! Oh well one day!


Sentinel Update

January 27, 2009

After being specced the past day as a Wrath WP, I found myself today going to WBT tunnel with my guild as a DPS and not a healer. Yes I did have to cast the odd heal, but its still within my capability and mechanics.

The run consisted of 3 WPs, 1 grace, 1 salv and 1 wrath, 1 IB, 1SM and 1ENG.  Very fast run with only a few deaths, mainly to the ENG as they seem to do insane damage.

DPS was fun, all beit completely different to what I was used to.  Killed the boot boss easily enough, and got Sentinal Boots for my WP Yay me!  So now 3/6 Sentinel with 2 Greater Wards.

Our guild leader, and the salv specced WP in the run also gave me a gift today, Sledge of the Warden contemplating staying as Wrath to maximise its potential. Could dump 2 STR talismans on it and really go to town.


Lesser Ward

January 19, 2009

Well after gaining 4 out of 5 of my Annihalator pieces over the past few weeks, I have been in vain trying to get the shoulders. After looting many gold bags, all providing duplicated Body or helment items, today I managed to finally get my shoudlers!

Picture of shinyness!


Now I am fully warded with lesser wards, I can go to Crypts and Fortress with taking only normal damage, and none of this 40% more crap I have had to endure in the last few sieges/dungeons…not that it ever stopped me going before!


Gear and Stats

January 13, 2009

Found a cool new tool today. Warforge, it is a copy of a similar WoW tool for displaying all your character information. It allows you to upload linkable stats and icons to using their syndicate system with wardb.

Anyway I lack icons for some of my gear just now but here is my stats at least.

Stats of WP

Stats of WP

I am currently a healer build, specced fully into salvation with the skills Martyrs Blessing, and Pious Restoration. MB is great for zerg healing, it allows me to heal every order member within the range of the spell for about 900 a shot.


been poked witha big stick again!

January 13, 2009

Ok so you would have thought that with Christmas and time off work I would have actually updated this blog. . . it would turn out not… oh well. Time for a 2month update (I will try to make next posts not so far away 🙂 )

So the past 2 months have been a busy set, last time I posted I was contemplating a transfer to Karag Norn, this is where I ended up, figuring-rightly-that Worlds Edge Mountain would become a ghost town.

I left My Little Pwny and made my way to Norn, upon arrival I started seeking out fellow players from WEM and ended up joining Excidium, one of the better guilds that was present origionally on WEM. So I now have a new home and new folk to play with. Next I decided to make the mad dash tpo level 40, with some free time over Christmas I managed to clear 3 days and 1 afternoon to sit down and game on.

After reading alot on lack of quests in the late 40 stages I was incredibly worried about running out and having to grind my last levels. However I was surprised to find this was not the case. I managed to hit 40 from 31 in less than 3 days, albeit there was a lot of play time but with a respec from healing to dps my WP was soon racking into the quests.

So now I have a level 40 WP! YAY GO ME!

However I now lacked the RR levels, so have been working on that. Currently I have 4/5 Annihalator (Healing PvP) Gear set. Missing my shoulders still… damn shoudlers . . . Ive had 2 bodies and heads though blah!

PvE wise, I have been participating in runs to Sigmars Crypts the level 40 base instance in Aldtorf, where you gain the first parts of “Greater Warded” gear, needed for Warpblade Tunnels. I have ventured into WBT anyway with only Lesser Wards, not a wise move but as I am a healer one I can make fairly safely.

Progress through these instances, have killed the first 4 bosses of Crypts regularly. The lockout system is very bugged though, on one run a member dcd and ended without a lock for a boss thus preventing his renetry to the instance and our inevtiable failure. But other than this its a fairly easy run. Alas no WP gear on show!

WBT I have done 2 bosses, and no WP gear. This is a significantly harder instance based in the sewer portion of Aldtorf, as long as your tanks are capable then it is of no real hassle it seems.

My general opinion on the state of the game so far is skewed though. Yes I do love the game, the content, the lore, the attempt at RvR. BUt it is just that an attempt. Eventually you just end up trading keeps and BO’s for RR. Scenarios are full of premades, Destro bring 3 times as many players to oRvR than order can field. We end in a situation of lossing alot. DO we give up? hell no! Are we just feeding them RR to make them stronger… yes.

That being said, Destruction have held both Praag and Thunder Mountain since before I hit T4. They have never managed to get to the keep, not for trying though.

Order seemed to let this happen happily and we now fight over Dragonwake and Caledor, occasionally Eataine. Two nights ago, Order managed to flip Caledor and open up Fell Landing, the destro Elf fortress. We wiped, hilariously so. After beating down the keep doors and getting to the final balcony Destruction showed up en masse and had their merry way with our corpses, but it was fun. Destruction responded in kind by capping everything to open up Shinning Way, Elf Order Fortress. We defended in kind. Gaining in the process a fair chunk of RR and RvR Inf.

WALL OF TEXT! Ill find some images, was too busy healing to take pictures in the fortresses unfrotunately!

Current aims: Get these Annihalator Shoulders, more RR up. Gain some RvR influence for getting rewards(some are sexy, some arent) and more Dungeons!